Firms must develop, adopt and maintain an anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing (AML/CTF) program that reflects your business’ circumstances. Your AML/CTF program needs to set out the ways your business will comply with its AML/CTF obligations and identify, mitigate and manage money laundering and terrorism financing (ML/TF) risks. An AML program is an essential element among the measures that financial institutions must implement to protect their operations and promote trust among their clients and partners.

When developing an AML Program, firms shall create a set of policies and procedures which work for the unique needs of the organization. Our Company can assist with the implementation of an AML Program by providing the following services:

  • AML Risk Assessment based on your company’s set of services
  • Advice on actions on the internal controls and systems that the organization uses
  • Independent testing and auditing
  • AML Training
  • AML Regulatory issue advisory
  • Advice on Systems Selection
  • New product and service consulting