Preparing an application for authorisation with the CySEC, other EU and offshore regulators is a decisive process. It’s the beginning of your relationship with the regulator and establishes your firm as credible and competent from the very beginning.
We can help you set up and develop your business model in the most cost efficient and compliance effective way thus minimizing expenses and achieving the best compliance results.
We work closely with you to understand your business and develop your customised “application package”, which includes among others your Regulatory Business Plan and Internal Procedures Manual
We take responsibility for directing your application and ensuring your firm is presented to the regulators accurately and in the best possible way. We then steer you through the process of submitting your application to the relevant regulator and responding according to their enquiries, working closely with you until you receive the license.
Having unparalleled knowledge and experience in the financial services sector, our Company is your partner to support your investment objectives, finding the optimal structure to meet regulatory requirements and can help you obtain, including, but not limited to, the following licenses: